Toddlerhood: 1yr. – 3yr.
A time of large developmental leaps, social and emotional changes, and continued physical growth
As your child progresses toward the preschool phase and continues to build on the foundation of security that was set up during the infancy stage, they will begin to find their voice and learn quickly about the world around them.
12 months
Monitor growth, feeding, sleep
Developmental surveillance of milestones and screening
Dtap-Dipthera tetanus pertussis
Hep A- Hepatitis A
Hib- Haemophilus Influenza
15 months
Monitor growth, feeding, sleep
Developmental surveillance and screening
MMR- Measles Mumps Rubella
Varicella- chicken pox
Hemoglobin screening- a standard toe prick to measure blood value of Hemoglobin to ensure no anemia or iron deficiency concerns
18 months
Monitor growth, feeding, sleep
Developmental surveillance and screening
Hep A
Hib (if not given at 12 month)
Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder using the MCHAT
2 years
Monitor growth, feeding, sleep
Developmental surveillance and screening
Hep A (if not given at 18 months)
Lead risk screening
Vision screening
Autism screening
RESOURCES – We follow the CDC (United States Centers for Disease Control) standards for monitoring your child’s milestones. If you wish to track these in detail, here are age-related links:
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