Childhood: 3yr. – 11yr.
A new outlook on life for kiddos as they begin to build confidence in their abilities and face new challenges with questioning and curious minds
Independent and creative problem solving is one of the many new exciting ways that children continue their developmental growth.
Annual well-visits for 3 years to 18 years reviewing things such as:
Height/weight measurement
Blood pressure measurement
Vision and hearing screening starting at age 4
Review developmental milestones, academics, screen time, sleep, eating habits and other pertinent health information at every visit
Cholesterol screening at age 10
Depression screening annually starting at age 12
Vaccines to expect at age 5: Dtap, IPV, MMR, Varicella
Flu vaccine available annually starting in September till May after 6 months of age
First season that flu vaccine is given, there is a booster dose needed in 30 days if under age 8
RESOURCES – We follow the CDC (United States Centers for Disease Control) standards for monitoring your child’s milestones, if you wish to track these in detail, here are age-related links:
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